
Wayne State University is located in Midtown, the city center and one of the country's fastest-growing neighborhoods. On campus, you'll find 200 acres of green space, walking paths and state-of-the-art facilities surrounded by a renowned cultural hub. Every day, Wayne State students, staff & faculty participate in the reinvention of a great American city as they live, learn, work and play in the heart of Detroit.   

We have provided links to some of the many cultural institutions, restaurants and etc that make Midtown a great place to work and play.  

Art and Culture

Local Restaurants


For more information on where to park while visiting Midtown, visit Parking Service Center. Also, be sure to review the current faculty/staff parking rates and General Parking information. . 

Friendly reminders: 

Paid parking is voluntary but highly recommended. When normal operations resume on campus lots will fill quickly. You can choose up to three lots. If you choose 2 standard and 1 premium you will pay the premium price 


For more information regarding WSU transportation options please visit our shuttle maps page as well as WayneRides or call us at 313-577-4348. 

Friendly Reminders: 

Enrolled Wayne State students get a free 31-day Dart pass to ride the QLINE, DDOT, or SMART. Learn more about those options

Biking is a great way to stay in shape, meet new people and save on gas! For more information on biking options check out https://parking.wayne.edu/alternative/bicycles . 

Employee Discounts 

Employee Discounts 

Additional Discounts