Key Performance Dates

Please find processes, key dates and contacts/resources for all WSU colleagues who participate in some form of a performance management process below.

These processes – and ongoing performance conversations about our evolving goals, feedback about what’s working especially well and options for continuous improvement, and recognizing/celebrating success – are pivotal to our ability to achieve a culture of excellence. 

Please contact your HR Consultant as a sounding board for all performance conversations!

  • Faculty & Academic Staff
    Process/Links Due Dates Contact

    AY2024/2025 Annual Review of Term Appointed Faculty & Academic Staff and AY2024/2025 Selective Salary

    Deadlines for submission of documentation are established within each home unit Faculty Affairs and Academic Personnel:

    School of Medicine (SOM) AY2024/2025
    Annual Review and Selective Salary

    Deadlines for submission of faculty documentation are established within each department. Please contact your department administrator for the specific dates. Note: Academic Staff Selective Salary is due to the Office of Faculty Affairs by April 26, 2024. School of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs:

    Please contact your HR Consultant with any questions.

  • Non-Represented Leaders & Staff

    Includes Academic Administrators, Executives, Managers, Researchers, and Non-Represented Staff. New employees hired after 7/1/24 will not participate in the FY2024 Annual Review but will be included in the FY2025 Performance Management process to allow acclimation time and initial goal clarification.

    Process/Description Launch Date Due Date Close Date

    FY24 Annual Performance Plan

    Set FY24 performance and learning goals for 10/1/23 – 9/30/24


    11/13: Employee Goals

    12/8: Manager Review


    FY2024 Mid-Year Check In

    Discuss/celebrate FY24 goal progress from 10/1/23 – 4/1/24 & ensure end-of-year success

    4/22: Employee Input

    5/13: Manager Input

    5/24: Employee Acknowledgement


    FY2024 Annual Review

    Celebrate FY24 goal accomplishments from 10/1/23 – 9/30/24


    9/20: Employee Review

    10/4: Manager review

    10/11: Employee Acknowledgement


    Please contact your HR Consultant with any questions.

  • Staff Association Members

    New hires, promotions and transfers should use the Probationary/Provisional Review Documents. See “New & Transferred Employees” resources for more information.

    Process/Description Launch Date Due Date Close Date

    FY24 Annual Performance Plan

    Set FY24 performance and learning goals for 10/1/23 – 9/30/24


    11/13: Employee Goals

    12/8: Manager Review


    FY2024 Mid-Year Check In

    Discuss/celebrate FY24 goal progress from 10/1/23 – 4/1/24 & ensure end-of-year success

    4/22: Employee Input

    5/13: Manager Input

    5/24: Employee Acknowledgement


    FY2024 Annual Review

    Celebrate FY24 goal accomplishments from 10/1/23 – 9/30/24

    9/20: Employee Review

    10/4: Manager review

    10/11: Employee Acknowledgement


    Please contact your HR Consultant with any questions.

  • P&A Members

    New hires, promotions and transfers should use the Probationary/Provisional Review Documents. See “New & Transferred Employees” resources for more information.

    Process/Description Launch Date Due Date

    2023-2024 P&A Performance Appraisal

    Celebrate achievements from 5/1/23 – 4/30/24

    5/1/2024 6/28/2024

    Please contact your HR Consultant with any questions.

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