Annual Review Rating Rubric

When leaders are providing Annual Review ratings in Cornerstone Conversations, it may be helpful to keep in mind the following definitions as a way to distinguish among each performance rating category:

Ratings & Definitions

Target Merit Increase
Range %

Consistently exceeded performance.

  • Attained higher impact than expected (i.e., exceeded desired quantity, quality, efficiency outcomes).
  • Created something new that was unexpected & valued (i.e., improved a key process).
  • Taught others how to deliver similarly high outcomes and/or documented processes to support sustainability.
  • Embodied the WSU values to such a degree that they positively influenced others’ demonstration of those behaviors.

4.5% - 6.0%

Highly Effective
Consistently achieved performance expectations, and
frequently exceeded them.

  • Attained higher impact on some goals than expected.
  • Initiated learning/development to achieve those goals and/or taught others how to achieve those goals.
  • Embodied the WSU values to such a degree that they positively influenced others’ demonstration of those behaviors.

2.5% - 4.5%

Consistently fulfilled performance expectations.

  • Met expectations for all performance goals by delivering agreed upon outcomes using existing processes.
  • Open to learning/development suggestions.
  • Embodied the WSU values.

1.0% - 2.5%

Work did not consistently meet performance expectations and
needs improvement.

  • Met expectations for some goals but not all due to reasons within their control (i.e., didn’t focus upon stated priorities, utilize agreed upon methods, etc.).
  • Embodied the WSU values most times, but not always.


Rarely achieved performance expectations; immediate and
continued improvement is required.

  • Did not meet expectations for most goals due to reasons within their control.
  • Inconsistently embodied WSU values and potentially negatively influenced others’ demonstration of behaviors.


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