Performance Resources

Cornerstone Conversations green logoCornerstone Conversations represents a new approach to performance excellence at WSU, including new ways of thinking, talking, and supporting each other to set and reach goals. It may feel like there is a lot to learn right from the start, but we can assure you that even taking a few small steps at the beginning will put you on solid ground and you will have plenty of support along the way. We are excited to work and learn with you throughout the next year to help you on your path to success.

How will we learn together?

The Cornerstone Conversations curriculum provides you with essential support during all four phases of the process:

  • Plan: Setting Goals during Annual Performance Planning
  • Nurture: Providing Feedback, Coaching & Support
  • Ensure: Touching Base on Progress at the Midyear Check-In
  • Celebrate: Recognizing Accomplishments at the Annual Review

Within each phase, you'll find a rich set of learning resources to meet your needs. Whether you prefer the structure of live training, the immediate feedback of coaching, the convenience of on-demand courses or a mix of all three €" we've got you covered

All you need to get started is a bit of curiosity, so we invite you to explore the tabs below.

Contact your HR Consultant at any time for guidance or with questions.