Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child
The Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child of Employee Benefit pays 50% of the cost of tuition only for an eligible spouse/child of an eligible employee.
For further information: Section 127 Educational Assistance Plan document
Apply Online
This online process allows you (the employee) to review the status of the request until the tuition award moves from the Human Resource's queue to the Office of Financial Aid queue for applying to the student's account. Have your Access ID (i.e. aa1111) ready.
Apply for Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child
Once you access the above link:
- Click the
- Click the semester that the Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child benefit should be applied to
- Carefully read the questions and follow the system prompts
- Sign the online request
- Hit the
button to finalize your request
For assistance with the application process, view the Reduced Spouse/Child Tuition Assistance Online Application Instructions
- Eligibility
Generally, full-time employees (an appointment of 100%) or fractional-time employees (an appointment of at least 50%, but less than 100%) are eligible for the Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child benefit, subject to the following:
Employee Group Appointment Type Non-Represented
Building Trades
Operating Engineers
Operating Engineers Supervisors
Staff Association
Grad AssistantsFull-Time or Fractional Time AAUP-AFT
Full-Time or Fractional Time + Certain deceased or disabled former members
Public Safety
Full-Time + Certain deceased former members
Please note: An employee must be eligible with a hire date on or before the last day of the Open Registration Period for the term for which benefits are requested.
Spouse/OEP:- Generally, "spouse" means (a) the person to whom the eligible employee is legally wed (spouse), or (b) the same-sex partner or the opposite-sex partner called Other Eligible Person (OEP).
- The status of spouse or OEP must be met as of the first day of classes for the term for which benefits are requested.
- Before applying for the benefit, the OEP status must be verified by the Total Rewards department. Supporting documentation required for proof of OEP status. Before applying for the benefit submit required supporting documentation to:
- Generally "child" means a child or stepchild of an eligible employee and/or his/her spouse or Other Eligible Person AND who is less than 26 years as of the first day of classes for the term for which benefits are requested.
- The child does NOT have to be an IRS dependent of the eligible employee. The university reserves the right to request additional documentation to verify the eligibility of all dependents.
- Certain children of former employees are eligible for Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child benefits: (a) AAUP-AFT bargaining unit members who were holding tenure or employment security status and who died or became disabled while employed at WSU, or (b) Police Officers Labor Council bargaining unit members who had 10 years or more of service who died while employed at WSU.
- Course & Credit Limits
There are NO course or credit limits for Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child benefits, except that Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child benefits do not cover coursework for the MD, JD or PharmD programs.
- Deadlines
All applications, except those whose union contract says differently, are due no later than 10 business days after the Last Day for Tuition Cancellation. This is a deadline which will be firmly administered so the Payroll office can spread out any tax liability over more pay periods for that term. Students are responsible for any late fees that may be assessed. View the deadlines in the Academic Calendar.
- Payment & Taxation of Benefits
The benefit pays 50% of the cost of tuition only for an eligible spouse/child of an eligible employee.
The Total Rewards department calculates your benefits and then forwards the information to the Financial Aid office for posting to your account. Your benefit is "pended" until the e-bill updates. Each term, the Financial Aid Office begins disbursing benefits about 10 days before the term begins.
Learn more about Taxation of Tuition Benefits
- Forfeit of Benefits
Benefits will be forfeited and the charges will be owed by the student under the following circumstances:
Payroll status:
If the employee resigns, is terminated, is subject to a layoff, RIF or leave of absence before the date the term ends, the Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child benefit is NOT forfeited; however, no future Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child benefits will be granted unless the employee becomes eligible again.
Passing grade and incomplete coursework:
- Passing Grades are required for Spouse/Children of eligible employees represented by six (6) unions: P&A union, Staff Association union, AFSCME union, Public Safety union, Operating Engineers and the SEIU union.
- A passing grade for undergraduate courses is "D" or better and for graduate courses is "C" or better. Grades of "S" and "P" are also considered passing grades. All withdrawals are considered NOT passing.
- The Total Rewards department processes a grade report after the close of each term to determine whether a passing grade was achieved and whether the student dropped a course, withdrew from a course, or took an incomplete for the course. Total Rewards will re-process the benefit and the benefit for any course without a passing grade will be canceled (forfeited) and the student will be responsible for payment of charges related to that course for that term, including any registration fees.
- The student should notify the HR Service Center of any subsequent grade changes which will result in restoration of his/her benefit, provided the grade is changed within 12 months from the end of the term for which benefits were originally requested.
Please contact Student Accounts Receivable for further assistance on your e-bill:
Please email inquiries to