Medical, Dental & Vision Insurance
WSU offers a comprehensive and valuable medical benefits program for our staff and faculty. As a new hire, you have 45 days from your date of hire to elect to participate in the medical, dental and/or vision coverage. Coverage will start on the first day of the month following the date of hire (if the date of hire is the first of the month, benefits begin on that day). The university will request documentation verifying that any dependents added to the medical, dental and/or vision plans are eligible for coverage. Changes to benefit plans may not be made during the year unless there is a qualifying Life Status Change Event or during Open Enrollment. See 'Coverage' section below for more details. Feel free to down a copy of the 2025 Benefits Handbook.
Log in to enroll or make changes
Or follow these steps: Log into Academica, Click 'Employee Resources', Click 'Employee Self-Service', Click 'Benefit Plan Enrollment & Changes'. Click here for full instructions
For help, call Businessolver's WSU Benefits Service Center: 888-907-1433
Medical Insurance
The university offers a number of medical coverage options:
Insurance Plan Provider Plan Type Health Alliance Plan HMO Blue Care Network HMO Priority Health HMO BCBSM PPO (formerly Community Blue) PPO Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Traditional (CMM) Comparison chart of insurance provider coverage - Plan 1
Comparison chart of insurance provider coverage - Plan 2
If you are covered by another medical insurance plan, you may choose to receive Cash in Lieu of Medical
Learn more about each insurance provider
Plan Design
Wayne State University has two medical plan designs: Plan 1 and Plan 2. The plan design you are in is based on your employee group/classification.
The key differences between the medical plan designs are summarized below:
Plan 1 Plan 2 Employee group: All Non-Academic Represented Union employees AAUP, GEOC & Non-Represented employees and Stipend recipients Specialist Office Visit Copay $20 $30 Urgent Care Copay $20 $30 Rx Generic Copay $5 $10 Rx Preferred Brand $20 $25 Rx Non-Preferred Brand $45 $55 Deductible (new)
Copays apply before deductible$0 2024: $100 per individual/$200 per family
2025: $200 per individual/$400 per familyInsurance plan comparison chart Comparison Chart Comparison Chart -
Dental Insurance
Eligible employees are offered a comprehensive dental insurance plan with the Delta Dental Plan of Michigan. Medical, dental and vision enrollment levels must be the same for each plan (single, two-person or family). For employees without WSU medical insurance coverage, dental is available as a voluntary election. Services are available through thousands of providers participating in the Delta Dental PPO network.
- Group #: 0007544
- Member ID: Employee's SSN
Basic Dental Plan
Enhanced Dental Plan
Employees have the option as a new employee or during Open Enrollment to upgrade to the Enhanced dental plan. This plan offers higher dental coverage, lower deductibles and several other higher coverage options. If you elect the Enhanced Plan you must remain in that plan for the full calendar year.
Comparing Basic vs. Enhanced
Basic Enhanced Calendar year max $1,500 $2,000 Annual deductible $50/person; $150/family $25/person; $75/family Occlusal (bite) guard One per lifetime One per 5 years Orthodontia lifetime max $1,000 $1,500 Special healthcare needs Not covered Covered Porcelain (white) crowns & bridges - posterior (back) teeth Not covered Crowns 90%; bridges 50% White resin fillings - posterior (back) teeth Not covered Covered Coverage Summary Basic Dental Summary Enhanced Dental Summary Voluntary Dental Plan
If you have not elected WSU medical insurance, you may enroll in the Voluntary Dental Plan at the time of hire, during Open Enrollment, or upon a qualified Life Event.
Quick Links
- Delta Dental PPO Certificate
- Stay in network and save money with Delta Dental
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Delta Consumer Toolkit (login required) Find a dentist, verify eligibility, print an ID card, review benefits and claim information.
- Delta Dental Plan of Michigan: Customer Service at 1-800-482-8915
- Delta Dental Claim Form
- Download the App!
- Learn more about Part-time Faculty dental coverage
- Learn more about Retiree dental coverage
Other Helpful Tools from Delta Dental:
Passport Dental
With Passport Dental, Delta Dental enrollees can receive expert dental care when they are outside of the United States through the AXA Assistance worldwide network of dentists and dental clinics.
Vision Insurance
Eligible employees are offered a comprehensive vision insurance plan with EyeMed. Vision insurance is bundled (comes with) with medical insurance and enrollment levels must match (single, two-person, or family). For employees without WSU medical insurance coverage, vision is available as a voluntary election (see below). Services are available through thousands of provider locations participating in the EyeMed “Select” network. Your Member ID is your 9-digit WSU Banner ID.
Basic Vision Plan
The basic plan through EyeMed will automatically be provided to all eligible employees who are enrolled in a WSU medical plan. Note: If you are not interested in a higher level of vision coverage, no action is required. You will remain in the basic vision plan.
Enhanced Vision Plan
Employees have the option as a new employee or during Open Enrollment to upgrade to the enhanced vision plan. This plan offers higher eyewear allowances and several lens options covered with no copay as part of the benefit. If you elect the enhanced plan you must remain in that plan for the full calendar year.
Comparing Basic vs. Enhanced
Sample total out-of-pocket cost paid at time of service:
Basic Enhanced Glasses: Total Cost = $219 Total Cost = $36 Exam
$170 Frames
Standard Progressive Lenses
Anti ReflectiveExam = $10
Frames = $55 - 20% = $44
Standard Progressive Lenses = $55
UV = $15
Tint = $14
Polycarb = $35
Anti-Reflective = $45Exam = $10
Frames = $20 - 20% = $16
Standard Progressive Lenses = $10
UV = $0
Tint = $0
Polycarb = $0
Anti-Reflective = $0Contacts: Total Cost = $105 Total Cost = $30 Exam
Standard Fit and Follow-up
$170 in Disposable ContactsExam = $10
Standard Fit and Follow-up = $40
Contacts = $55Exam = $10
Standard Fit and Follow-up = $0
Contacts = $20Voluntary Vision Plan
If you have not elected WSU medical insurance, you may enroll in the Voluntary Vision Plan (basic or enhanced) at the time of hire, during Open Enrollment, or upon a qualified Life Event.
Quick Links
- Provider Locator (Choose the "Select" Network)
- EyeMed Out of Network Claim Form
- Learn more about Part-time Faculty vision coverage
- Learn more about Retiree vision coverage
Other Helpful Tools:
You are eligible for medical, dental and vision benefits if you are classified in a benefits-eligible position (verify your classification with your HR Consultant) and your appointment percentage is 50% or greater. If your appointment percentage decreases below 50%, you will no longer be eligible to be enrolled in benefits as an active employee (however, COBRA may be an option for continuation of coverage).
Student Assistants, Technicians, college work study, temporary employees and employees represented by the Building Trades are not benefits-eligible. Part-time faculty who meet the eligibility requirements defined by their Collective Bargaining Agreement may be eligible to enroll in voluntary dental and/or vision plan(s), being 100% employee paid. Read more about Part-Time Faculty benefits. Stipend recipients are not employees, however may be eligible for medical, dental and vision (not eligible for cash in lieu of medical).
Who Can be Covered
You have 45 days from your hire date to enroll eligible dependents. Read more about who can be covered with you and what documents you must provide.
Coverage Start
Coverage for new hires begins on the first of the month following your date of hire (or on the first of the month if you're hired on the first), assuming enrollment is completed within 45 days of your hire date. During a Life Status Change Event, coverage begins on the date of the event. For changes made during our annual Open Enrollment period (the annual opportunity to change coverage which takes place in October/November), new coverage begins January 1 of the following year.
Who Can be Covered
You have 45 days from your hire date to enroll eligible dependents. Read more about who can be covered with you and what documents you must provide.
Please note: If both you and your spouse/other eligible person/dependent are employed by Wayne State University, neither you nor your spouse/OEP/dependent can be covered as both an employee and a dependent under any of the Wayne State University benefit plans. Additionally, any eligible dependents of yours or your spouse/OEP cannot be covered by both parties under any of the WSU benefit plans.
Making Changes
Generally, there are only two times when you may be able to change your benefits at the university:
Life Events
If you are an employee with more than 45 days of service, you may begin, change or cancel your medical, dental or vision coverage during a Life Event as defined by Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code and allowed by our plan. The birth of a child, adoption, marriage, divorce, and deaths are some examples of Life Events. You have only 30 days from the date of the Life Event to make changes. Read more information about Life Events.
Open Enrollment
Medical, dental or vision plan changes are not allowed until the next Open Enrollment (October/November) period without a qualifying Life Event. Changes to your coverage during Open Enrollment must be completed by the specified deadlines. Read more information about Open Enrollment.
Log In to Enroll or Make Changes
Coverage Ending
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) allows you to continue group medical, dental and vision benefits when you or your dependents become ineligible for university benefits. Learn more about COBRA.
The following coverage ending guidelines apply when:
Employment Ending
Due to Termination, Resignation or Retirement
If your employment terminates on or before the 14th day of the month, your insurance coverage ends on the 14th day of the month. If your employment terminates on or after the 15th day of the month, your insurance coverage ends on the last day of the month. If you are age 65 or older, your insurance coverage ends on the last day of the month.
Type of Employee & Age Last Day of Employment (Termination Date) Benefit Coverage Ends: 12-Month, Less than age 65 1st-14th 14th of month 12-Month, Less than age 65 15th-Last day of month Last day of month 12-month, Age 65+ 1st-Last day of month Last day of month 9-month, Any age End of Fall semester December 31st 9-month, Any age+ End of Winter semester August 31st++ 9-month deferred employees, please contact us to determine your benefit situation. +Note regarding Medicare: WSU is not responsible for providing Medicare advice or enrolling employees, retirees or their spouses in Medicare. If you or your spouse are enrolled in Medicare as of your termination date or become enrolled in Medicare following your termination date, Medicare will become your primary coverage and the WSU benefit plan will become your secondary coverage effective on the later of June 1 or your Medicare effective date(s). You will need to let your medical providers know to bill Medicare first before billing your WSU coverage. Please visit to learn more.
++To learn more about how 9-month employees pay for Summer premiums: please read about details here.
Retirees: please read the Retiring website to learn more about retirement.
Dependent Turning Age 26
If your dependent is turning 26, coverage automatically ends at the end of the month in which they turn 26.
Divorce or Loss of Dependent Eligibility
In the event of a divorce or loss of dependent eligibility, coverage ends for your ex-spouse or dependent at the end of the month in which the divorce is granted or eligibility is lost. Read more about dependent eligibility.
Of a Dependent
In the event of the death of dependent, coverage for the deceased dependent would end on the date of death.
Of an Active Employee
In the event of the death of an employee, coverage for dependents ends at the end of the month in which the employee death occurred.
Your compensation package includes a sizable investment in your medical,dental and vision benefits. The university pays a large share of the cost of your health insurance. You pay the employee portion through automatic bi-weekly deductions from your pay. There are 24 deductions for 12-month employees and 18 deductions for 9-month employees, per year.
Click here for Medical, Dental & Vision Rates. Medical, dental and vision deductions are collected on a prepaid basis. Changes in coverage (i.e. adding dependents when a Life Status Change Event occurs) may result in deduction adjustment. Review your paycheck and notify us if you have questions regarding your deductions.
12-month employees
Review the payroll schedule to determine the timing of deductions and the period being collected.
9-month Employees
Click here to learn how summer coverage premiums are collected.
Contact Us
Log in to Businessolver to Make Changes if...
- Your spouse or dependents change (marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, death)
- You change union affiliation or become non-represented due to a job change
- You participate in the university's Cash In-Lieu of Medical option and you lose your other medical coverage
For customer service, call Businessolver's Wayne State Benefits Center: 888-907-1433
Contact the WSU HR Service Center within 30 days if...
- You are placed on an unpaid Family and Medical Leave, Workers' Compensation Leave or Leave of Absence
- You, your spouse or a dependent becomes eligible for Medicare
When contacting the HR Service Center please have your nine-digit Banner ID (found on your WSU OneCard) available for telephone conversations and include it in all correspondence.
Phone: (313) 577-3000