Other Eligible Person (OEP) Benefits
- Definition of Other Eligible Person (OEP)
Under this program, a non-represented WSU employee, or upon agreement by the applicable union, a represented employee, who does not already enroll a spouse for medical, dental and/or tuition benefits may enroll one other eligible person (OEP), if all of the following eligibility criteria are met:
- The OEP is an adult, age 26 or older
- The OEP currently resides in the same residence as the employee and has done so for the 18 continuous months prior to the individual's enrollment, other than as a tenant
- The OEP is not a "dependent" of the employee as defined by the IRS
- The OEP is not related by blood or by marriage
Children who are qualified as WSU-defined dependents by an employee's OEP are also eligible for benefits.
Eligibility to continue coverage for the OEP ceases at the end of the month in which the above criteria are not met. Employees have 30 days to notify Businessolver's Wayne State Benefits Center of a change in eligibility status.
Log In to Enroll or Make Changes
After log in, click "Change My Benefits" to start a Life Event change.
For help, call Businessolver's Wayne State Benefits Center: 888-907-1433. - OEP Benefits & Costs
Medical, Dental & Vision
The medical insurance rates for Other Eligible Persons are identical to the rates for spouses, i.e., the employee would pay the two-person medical insurance rate if the coverage changes from single to two-person. Upon termination of coverage due to ineligibility as the OEP, COBRA continuation coverage for the individual will not be available.
The medical insurance rates for Other Eligible Persons are identical to the rates for spouses, i.e., the employee would pay the two-person medical insurance rate if the coverage changes from single to two-person. Please note that the additional contribution to cover the OEP will be withheld on a post-tax basis (see Taxation section below). Upon termination of coverage due to ineligibility as the OEP, COBRA continuation coverage for the individual will not be available.
2024 OEP Rates - Plan 1 (All employee groups, excluding AAUP, GEOC and Non-Represented employees)
2024 OEP Rates - Plan 2 (AAUP, GEOC and Non-Represented employees)
2023 OEP Rates - Plan 1 (All employee groups, excluding AAUP, GEOC and Non-Represented employees)
2023 OEP Rates - Plan 2 (AAUP, GEOC and Non-Represented employees)
Enrollment instructions:
Have required supporting documentation ready.
Log In to Enroll or Make Changes
For customer service, call Businessolver's Wayne State Benefits Center: 888-907-1433
Learn more about medical, dental and vision insurance.
Reduced Tuition
The tuition benefit covers 50% of the tuition costs after any grants or scholarships are applied for all classes except those offered through the Law, Pharmacy or Medical schools. The benefit does not include the registration fee, the omnibus fee or other incidental fees. Learn more about reduced tuition.
Enrollment Instructions:
The status of spouse or OEP must be met as of the first day of classes for the term for which benefits are requested.
- Verify Eligibility - Before applying for the benefit, the OEP status must be verified by the Total Rewards department. Supporting documentation is required for proof of OEP status. Before applying for the benefit submit required supporting documentation to: TuitionBenefit@wayne.edu.
- Apply Online - The online process allows you (the employee) to review the status of the request until the tuition award moves from the Human Resource's queue to the Office of Financial Aid queue for applying to the student's account. Have your Access ID (i.e. aa1111) ready.
Apply for Reduced Tuition for Spouse/Child
Dependent Life Insurance
Learn more about Dependent Life Insurance.
- Taxation of OEP Benefits
Imputed Income
IRS regulations require the university to tax the fair market value (FMV) of university-provided healthcare benefits (medical, dental and/or vision) for Other Eligible Persons (OEP). Because Other Eligible Persons do not qualify as tax dependents under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 152, the fair market value of their health insurance coverage over the amount paid for the employee's own coverage is includable in the employee's gross income and is subject to tax withholding, including FICA, FICA Medicare, federal, state and city taxes. In other words, the FMV of coverage for an OEP is calculated by subtracting the cost difference between the coverage tiers with and without the OEP. This amount is considered "imputed income" and is an additional gross pay taxable amount.
Add together the monthly taxable amounts for medical, dental and/or vision insurance from rate schedules (see PDFs below). This will give you the increase to your taxable gross income. To estimate the increase in your taxable income and the resulting tax increase, please follow the instructions in the example below:
Federal Tax Bracket State Tax Rate FICA Tax Rate Detroit Non-Resident Tax Rate Total Tax Rate 12% 4.25% 7.65% 1.2% 25.1% 22% 4.25% 7.65% 1.2% 35.1% 24% 4.25% 7.65% 1.2% 37.1% Example: If you are a single 12-month employee in Plan 2 with Blue Care Network, dental & basic vision coverage, are in the 22% Federal tax bracket and are adding an OEP the following estimated tax would apply:
Blue Care Network Taxable Amount: $349.52 (actual values on Plan 2 rate schedule below) Dental & Vision Plan Taxable Amount: $12.47 (actual values on Plan 2 rate schedule below) Total Bi-Weekly Taxable Amount: $361.99 (taxable amount to you) Times Total Tax Rate X 35.1% (from table above) Amount of Bi-Weekly Tax Increase $127.06 Note: If you live in the city of Detroit you may also need to consider the Resident tax in your calculation.
Post-Tax Deductions
In addition, the portion of the employee contribution associated with the Other Eligible Person healthcare coverage is deducted on a post-tax basis. As a result, the cost to the employee of obtaining benefits for an Other Eligible Person is actually more than just the cost of the medical, dental and vision premiums.
OEP Rates
2023 OEP Rates - Plan 1 (All employee groups, excluding AAUP, GEOC and Non-Represented employees)
2023 OEP Rates - Plan 2 (AAUP, GEOC and Non-Represented employees)
The university is of the opinion that records containing information on Other Eligible Persons are confidential, but the law is uncertain in this area. It is possible that a court or other adjudicative agency would decide the university must make such records public. Therefore, it is important to understand there is a risk of disclosure when signing up for Other Eligible Person benefits at a public university.
Failure to notify WSU of a change in circumstances is cause for disciplinary action against the employee and liability for losses incurred.